Types of Submissions for CIGI-QUALITA-MOSIM 2025

When submitting a paper to the CIGI-QUALITA-MOSIM 2025 conference, authors should select from the following submission types:

  • Regular Paper: Original research contributions, of 6 to 8 pages, respecting the format available here.
  • Short abstract: Short summary written in French AND English, including up to 200 words.

Submissions are handled through the Sciencesconf management system. During the submission process, authors can select a session or theme (single choice) that is most closely aligned with their submission. Submit a paper

Language Options 

The official language is French, but English is accepted for both writing and oral presentation. English should be preferred for the article writing if the authors plan to submit a longer version to journal special issues (list to be announced).

Publication and Special Issue Opportunities

Authors of the highest-rated Regular papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for consideration in special issues of indexed journals.

Special sessions

When submitting your article, you can choose to associate it with a special session.  The scientific committee will evaluate your request. For more details about the sessions, please click here.


Names and affiliations


AI-based analytical and intelligent techniques for supply and production planning under uncertainty

O. BEN-AMMAR(IMT Mines Alès, France), B. BETTAYEB (CESI LINEACT, France), I. SLAMA Centrale Supélec, France), A. DOLGUI (IMT Atlantique, France), Z. JEMAI (Centrale Supélec, France), ), E. SAHIN (Centrale Supélec, France)..


Operations Research for Health Care. GT2L session.

S. MAKBOUL (UTT, France), A. YALAOUI (UTT, France)


Deep learning for smart intelligent transportation systems.

A. NAKIB (UPEC, France)


Machine learning and operation research for smart industry and services

O. SOUISSI (INPT, Morocco), A. BEKRAR (Université de Valenciennes, France), H. ALLAOUI (Université d’Artois, France)


Machine learning Enhanced Metaheuristics for Solving Planning and Scheduling Problems

M. TOUAT (UTT, France), H. CHEN (UTT, France), K. BENATCHBA (ESI, Algeria)


Optimization of Health Management Systems

M. BOUDHAR (USTHB, Algeria), Y. OUAZENE (UTT, France), F. YALAOUI (UTT, France).


AI-Driven Scheduling and Decision-Making trends in Cobots-Integrated Industry 4.0 Systems

M. GAHAM (CDTA, Algeria)


Trends and advances in inventory control

M. GODICHAUD (UTT, France), H-N. NGUYEN (University of Danang, Vietnam), L. AMODEO (UTT, France)


Recent Advancements in Intelligent Manufacturing and Logistics Systems

F. BELKAID (University of Tlemcen, Algeria),

R. BOUFELLOUH (University of Tlemcen, Algeria).


Metaheuristics for Industrial Problem Solving. Joint session of the working group META and ORIGIN.

L. DEROUSSI (Clermont Auvergne university, France), N. GRANGEON (Clermont Auvergne University, France).


Green Networks for Sustainable Industry and Service Systems

A. J. TELMOUDI (ENSIT, University of Tunis, Tunisia), Y. OUAZENE (UTT, France)


Less-than-truck load problem: advantages and challenges

O. OZTURK (University of Ottawa, CANADA), M. H AFSAR, (UTT, France)


Logistics and urban mobility problems.  GT2L session

C. DUHAMEL (Le Havre Normandie University, France). N. LABADIE (UTT, France).


Transportation and vehicle routing Problems.  GT2L session

P. LACOMME (Clermont Auvergne University, France), C. PRODHON (UTT, France)


Real-time and online problems in transportation and vehicle routing. GT2L session.

W. J. GUERRERO RUEDA (Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia), N. LABADIE (UTT, France)


"Quantum Approximate Solving Methods. Joint Session of the working groups ROQ and EWG QOR."

W. COELHO (PASQAL, France),  P. LACOMME (Clermont Auvergne University, France).


Application of Quantum Technologies to Optimization. Joint Session of the working groups ROQ WG and EWG QOR."

J. MIKAEL (EDF, France), C. PRODHON (UTT, France)


Quantum Algorithms and Circuits, Quantum Artificial Intelligence

F. HNAIEN (UTT, France), H. M AFSAR (UTT, France), H. SNOUSSI (UTT, France), C. COUTEAU (UTT, France) 


Rich Vehicle Routing Problems



Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in Supply Chain Management: Transforming Operations for the Future

A. CHAABANE (ÉTS Montréal, Canada), F. HNAIEN (UTT, France), R. LARBI (ÉTS Montréal, Canada), N. BAHRIA (École nationale supérieure des ingénieurs de Tunis - ENSIT, Tunisie)


Sustainable and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems: Bridging Industry 4.0 and Sustainability

T. BENAZZOUZ (ENSA of Marrakech, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco). S. DAHBI (ENSA of Marrakech, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco)

Date of update 06 janvier 2025